​Mid-Hudson Women's Chorus​​​​​​​​​
For Women Who Love to Sing

Join Us!
Learn more about joining the chorus here.
Our Purpose
To promote interest in choral singing
To increase membership in choral societies
To cultivate, promote, and develop among its members the appreciation, understanding, and love of the musical arts
To provide concerts, social activities, entertainment, and amusement on a non-profit basis
To secure the interest of sponsors of these arts
To promote friendship, sociability and culture among friends of music, sponsors, and members of the Mid Hudson Women's Chorus​
upcomimg open rehearsals
​We invite you to a no-obligation visit on all or any of three consecutive "Open Rehearsals" in January or September.
September Dates to be announced
Rehearsals are 7-8:30pm at St. James United Methodist Church 35 Pearl Street in Uptown Kingston (NW corner of Pearl and Fair Street
Auditions are not required to join the chorus. Learn more about what to expect at open rehearsals, as well as other membership-related info on our Join Us page.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly via this website.
P.O. BOX 3643
KINGSTON, N.Y. 12402
Phone: 914-388-3141